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Hayley Walker

engineer and artist.

Hayley is a 2017 graduate of Boston University with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. She is a persistent questioner and relentless knowledge gatherer. She loves ideas.

Hayley has experience in prototyping, manufacturing, machining, and hands-on applications. Having worked on several projects in the realm of sustainable design and PV solar energy, as well as creative engineering for developing areas and underrepresented groups within tight cost and resource limitations, Hayley advocates for clean tech, the environment, and societal engineering. Her most recent project involved integration of custom climate and weather instrumentation in an electromechanical system. She is continually learning more about user-centered product design practices, applying UX ideas to iterative designs, and innovation-driven enterprise (IDE).
Hayley is interested in renewable energy systems like solar and geothermal power, propulsion, biomimicry in engineering, creative product design, and mechanism design.


Hayley works in the intersection between STEM fields and the arts, making engineering more transparent through the arts and utilizing a creative design approach to technical engineering projects. Much of Hayley's artistic work takes on either a surreal or environmental theme.


Besides making things, Hayley loves trail running, kickboxing, reading, hiking, rocky beaches, philosophical ponderings of modern physics, and hugging dogs.




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